Coconut Mat for nitrogen generator
Sep .23.2022
Coconut mat made by natural coco coir is used for compacting and fixing of filler materials in industry equipment to make sure the equipment safe and reliable. And it could be used in nitrogen generator. Since Coconut mat has a charactoristic of good elastic,so it is used to produce coconut mat use to provent the pulverization of carbon molecular sieve in the process of nitrogen gas generation.
Adsorption and its Applications in Industry and Environmental Protection
Jul .09.2021
CMS have had a significant impact on separation processes and they have also found applications as catalysts. In recent years, most research and development efforts concerning CMS materials have been devoted to their preparation, property characterization and use in gas separations [4]. Less attention has been paid to their catalytic properties and their use as selective catalyst support, which is currently an active field of research [5, 6].
The production of nitrogen
Jun .15.2019
Carbon molecular sieve is the adsorbent on PSA nitrogen production device. Nitrogen is prepared from the air by PSA.The separation of oxygen and nitrogen in the air is mainly based on the different diffusion rates of the two gases on the surface of the carbon molecular sieve.The diffusion rate of gas molecules (O2) with smaller diameter is faster, and more of them enter the carbon molecular sieve micropores. The larger diameter gas molecule (N2) diffuses at a slower rate and enters fewer pores in the carbon molecular sieve, so that nitrogen enrichment can be obtained in the gas phase.